Understanding Polls: John Zogby’s Comprehensive Guide to Public Opinion

In his book Beyond The Horse Race: How to Read Polls and Why We Should, expert pollster John Zogby delves into the world of polling, offering a clear explanation of its methods and underscoring its importance in today’s divided media landscape. The book acts as both a tutorial for interpreting polls and a defense of their continued relevance.

Zogby simplifies the often complicated aspects of polling, covering critical topics like sampling methods, margins of error, and how questions are phrased, all in straightforward language. Drawing on his long career in the field, he offers practical advice on how to critically examine poll results, helping readers distinguish between trustworthy and flawed data.

What makes this book unique is its broader view of polls beyond just political predictions. Zogby shows how polling helps track public sentiment on social issues, consumer trends, and more. He also explores the difficulties pollsters face today, particularly in a world increasingly influenced by social media and digital technology.

Zogby pushes readers to go beyond the “who’s leading” mindset of elections and instead focus on what polls reveal about deeper shifts in public opinion and social trends.

Ultimately, Beyond The Horse Race is a well-structured, insightful book that will resonate with not only those interested in politics but also anyone curious about how polls reflect larger societal changes. At a time when polling faces growing skepticism, Zogby makes a convincing case for why they still matter.

Together with his son, Jeremy Zogby, John continues to be a leading voice in the field through their trendspotting research company and opinion polling analysis service, John Zogby Strategies. Jeremy’s recent polling work, including studies at Robert F. Kennedy’s campaign events and research into how Americans define heroism during the pandemic, has gained significant media attention, including in The New Yorker.